Blog 4: A Meal or Food You Really Like


Hi everyone!

A food that I really like is the fried corn, it’s like mini hamburgers made with corn pastry; and it’s very easy and quick to make:

The ingredients that usually use is: Corn – cornstarch – Basil - Salt – Oil -Egg (But it’s not very necessary, because the cornstarch replace the egg o you can use the two ingredients)

First you need to make a corn pastry, then add breadcrumbs so that it’s fried and they will look like mini hamburgers. Personally, it’s my favorite food in the world. Unfortunately, with the rise in cooking oil prices is an expensive meal to made now. It’s more expensive to buy the oil than to buy the corn. Even if it’s not a healthy food because it’s fried, at least it’s vegetarian (big plus besides its good taste). Anyway, I occasionally eat this food.

So, I recommend you to make this delicious mini hamburguers.


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