Blog 5: A photograph you like

Hello everyone!

The photo that I like the most is the one I found in my mother's family album, it was the first image I saw, I thought it was very nice and then I didn't see any more photos from that album. It´s a black and white photo, in this one you can see my mother as a child in her old house, located in Ferrer street, Ñuñoa. This photo was taken by my grandmother and was taken in 1964 approximately.

I really like the light and the shadow of this picture, besides an unknown hand that appears illuminated (we don't know who it is and that is very interesting), that's why I think it is very beautiful. I also use this photo as a reference for my paintings and it’s a fundamental part of my personal archive.

I can work with this photo in many ways, for example: when I paint it I use only one color and I choose a part of the photo.


                                                                              Oil on carpet.

                                                                         Oil on wood.

Oil on PVC.


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