Blog 6: A Career-Related Website OR an Expert in Your Field


  Hello everyone!

Today I m going to talk about a website related to the career of visual arts. The site is called Google Arts & Culture, it is a website shared with me by a friend when I was starting my visual arts career, this site is free and very useful to see ancient and modern art.

The main features of this site are: good quality of the works of art from all the museums in the world, HD quality, you can zoom into the works and see the details of the work (very useful to analyze the colors of the paintings and the structure of these works), you can make virtual tours of the galleries and always has news about culture from around the world. And has many other things.

I use this website frequently to study ancient and modern painters. And I like this site very much because you find a lot of works from all over the world, and I love to spend hours looking at paintings!!!!!.


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