
Blog 6: A Career-Related Website OR an Expert in Your Field

      Hello everyone! Today I m going to talk about a website related to the career of visual arts. The site is called Google Arts & Culture, it is a website shared with me by a friend when I was starting my visual arts career, this site is free and very useful to see ancient and modern art. The main features of this site are: good quality of the works of art from all the museums in the world, HD quality, you can zoom into the works and see the details of the work (very useful to analyze the colors of the paintings and the structure of these works), you can make virtual tours of the galleries and always has news about culture from around the world. And has many other things. I use this website frequently to study ancient and modern painters. And I like this site very much because you find a lot of works from all over the world, and I love to spend hours looking at paintings!!!!!. https://artsandculture.google.com/

Blog 5: A photograph you like

Hello everyone! The photo that I like the most is the one I found in my mother's family album, it was the first image I saw, I thought it was very nice and then I didn't see any more photos from that album. It´s a black and white photo, in this one you can see my mother as a child in her old house, located in Ferrer street, Ñuñoa. This photo was taken by my grandmother and was taken in 1964 approximately. I really like the light and the shadow of this picture, besides an unknown hand that appears illuminated (we don't know who it is and that is very interesting), that's why I think it is very beautiful. I also use this photo as a reference for my paintings and it’s a fundamental part of my personal archive. I can work with this photo in many ways, for example: when I paint it I use only one color and I choose a part of the photo.                                                                                 Mom.                                                          

Blog 4: A Meal or Food You Really Like

  Hi everyone! A food that I really like is the fried corn, it’s like mini hamburgers made with corn pastry; and it’s very easy and quick to make: The ingredients that usually use is: Corn – cornstarch – Basil - Salt – Oil -Egg (But it’s not very necessary, because the cornstarch replace the egg o you can use the two ingredients) First you need to make a corn pastry, then add breadcrumbs so that it’s fried and they will look like mini hamburgers. Personally, it’s my favorite food in the world. Unfortunately, with the rise in cooking oil prices is an expensive meal to made now. It’s more expensive to buy the oil than to buy the corn. Even if it’s not a healthy food because it’s fried, at least it’s vegetarian (big plus besides its good taste). Anyway, I occasionally eat this food. So, I recommend you to make this delicious mini hamburguers.

Blog 3

  Hi everyone! My favorite gadget is the camera and i bought it with my first sale of oil paintings (it was really difficult to buy it, especially to buy the photographic rolls) . I use it sometimes to take experimental pictures, for example of wall textures, details of buildings, objects, etc. Using this gadget influences me in a positive way, i feel that i am more meticulous and i understand a little more around me, taking pictures is like painting, that's why i use it so much. I totally recommend experimenting with this gadget, and the most important thing is that you don't need to be an expert to use it and the bad pictures sometimes are the best ones. My camera.                                                        one of the experimental photos

Blog 2: Why did you choose this career?

  Hello everyone, When I was a kid I always thought about being an architect. I always thought of art as a hobby, but I realized that I liked it, when it came to choose what to study I decided to study art, this decision was thanks to the support of my parents because they motivated me to study art and also my school teacher.  I chose this career because of the different forms of expression that can be given and I do not regret it, I have had good times in college, meeting people, learning, doing what I like and experimenting. My dream is to work and survive from what I am studying, I am also very interested in working in a museum.                                                                          Museum of fine arts  Painting in my workshop.               

Blog 1: My Autobiography

I was born in Santiago on July twenty-seventh, nineteen ninety-eight, Chile. I currently live in Las Condes and have been living here for twenty-three years with my family, which is very fun and attentive. I studied at Colegio Virgen de Pompeya for seventeen years, then I entered the University of Chile in the year two thousand seventeen to be a student of visual arts. My hobbies are mainly painting in my studio all day long, the most incredible thing is that this hobby has become my passion. I like to spend time with my two best friends, Becky and Pepe. They are in college careers similar to mine. I really like to spend time at my house because it is a special place.  In my free time I like to watch series and movies, the arts, I also like to go for walks in the parks and especially to go to the mountains (sometimes I paint a landscape). My favorite material to paint is oil on any surface (cardboard, canvas, etc). My house is what motivates me to paint.  To relax I take my